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  • Inclusive opportunities
  • Working with communities

Resource type:

  • Report


  • NIHR ARC East Midlands

Publication date:

  • 1st September 2020

Date added to Learning for Involvement:

  • 15th February 2022


Focus groups and interviews were held with 70 individuals from diverse ethnic groups, and other underserved communities including the homeless. Topics discussed were: feelings towards attending hospital for research; feelings towards COVID-19 vaccine research; feelings around the role of PPI and community involvement.

Key Findings: The majority of people reported feeling anxious and scared of getting involved in vaccine trials. The specific information requested before participation included the; associated risks, side effects, research procedure, patient safety, the responsible organisation, and details of the vaccines development history including the previous progress, success rates and outcomes. Generally, there were no specific cultural or religious constraints that would hinder participation, and also no age, gender or employment disparity in the responses. Nevertheless, people identified the need for gender-specific appointments, and that research schedules should avoid being on cultural and religious days of importance, including fasting periods. Further insights are provided for specific ethnic groups.