Inclusive opportunities
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Learn how to build partnerships with public contributors that are accessible and inclusive
Why is it important to consider equality, diversity and inclusion in research?
We know that the diversity of people who get involved in health and care research often does not reflect the diversity of the population who are affected by the issues being researched.
Not only this, relying on one ‘type’ of member of the public to cover the whole public experience could lead to some perspectives being missed. Including a diversity of views and experiences helps to improve the research.
To ensure this, it is important to offer public involvement opportunities that are accessible and inclusive. These opportunities should take into account the needs of different communities and individuals, and anyone who gets involved should be treated equitably. If public partnerships are not inclusive, or if people do not have a genuine opportunity to influence decisions, it undermines the benefits of partnership.
How can I make sure my research is inclusive?
We should not expect patients, carers and the public to fit into research systems. Instead, we need to help researchers get closer to communities.
The resources below, including resources from the NIHR on being inclusive in public involvement, should help researchers to ensure they consider diverse views, and that public contributors feel equal and included as part of their project. Take a look!
Featured resources
Getting started: involving people
Being inclusive in public involvement in health and care research
Added on 1st April 2021 -
Getting started: involving people
NIHR different experiences: a framework for considering who might be involved in research
Added on 1st April 2021 -
Getting started: becoming involved
UK Public Involvement Standards
Added on 8th February 2019 -
Inclusive opportunities
Race equality framework
Added on 26th April 2022 -
Inclusive opportunities
How to incorporate equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in patient and public involvement (PPI)
Added on 15th September 2023