Resources and training for public involvement in research
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Welcome to Learning for Involvement, the home for resources and training about public involvement in health and social care research. Take a look around to explore the resources and training already recommended by our community, or upload your own content or recommendations.
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ExploreGetting started: involving people
ExploreWhat is Learning for Involvement?
What is Learning for Involvement all about? And why is it important?
Find out in our animation.
Video transcript
Audio: Gentle music
Visual: National Institute for Health and Care Research logo
Audio: What is Learning for Involvement?
Visual: Text ‘What is Learning for Involvement?’ appears on screen, lines with circles move across the screen
Audio: It’s a website dedicated to providing learning and development for public involvement in health and social care research,
Visual: Line appears across the screen which opens up into a laptop screen. The screen shows a web browser with images of people and the text ‘Learning and development’
Audio: helping people to understand what it’s all about and how to do it well.
Visual: Person using the laptop. A speech bubble appears with a question mark in it.
Audio: That’s the short answer anyway. Here’s the detail… We want patients, carers, members of the public and communities to be involved right across health and care research,
Visual: Boxes appear showing patients, carers, members of the public and communities.
Audio: whether it be people participating in trials and studies or people with lived experience shaping the design of research.
Visual: People in bubbles appear connected to a hexagonal shape in the centre of the screen. More people pop up and the shape of the centre changes into a circle, with the text ‘Design of research’
Audio: Working this way makes research more relevant and useful, whilst sharing best practice ensures high quality and consistent public involvement.
Visual: A woman with a magnifying glass appears in the circle. Triangles appear round the outside with figures of people inside them
Audio: Working in partnership is what we’re all about.
Visual: More people appear inside the circle as it spins. Text over the top reads ‘working in partnership’
Audio: Our vision is for Learning for Involvement to be a trustworthy, adaptable, and inspiring source of information and training about how to work together with people and communities.
Visual: A hexagon appears on the screen. The text ‘Trustworthy’, ‘Adaptable’, and ‘Inspiring’ appear across the top. The hexagon spins and people appear on the screen, including healthcare professionals and members of the public.
Audio: We want to ensure it stays up to date with the ever-changing landscape of public involvement.
Visual: A landscape waves and changes. Text ‘stay up to date’ appears on the screen
Audio: So, how does this all work?
Visual: Text ‘So, how does this all work?’ appears above the landscape
Audio: Learning for Involvement is a shared learning platform, providing public involvement information, resources, and training all in one handy place.
Visual: Line from the landscape moves along the screen. A triangle shape opens to show a person holding a phone, which says ‘Learning for Involvement’ on the screen. Text beside the triangle reads ‘Public involvement information’, ‘Resources’, ‘Training’ and the phone screen changes to icons that represent these.
Audio: It’s about breaking down barriers of knowledge. Whether you’re looking to involve people in research, or looking to get involved yourself, you’ll find the support you need including guidance, case studies, videos, articles, and blogs.
Visual: Someone on a laptop. Text beside them reads ‘Breaking down barriers of knowledge’. The image zooms out to show another person beside them. Boxes drop in to show guidance, case studies, videos, articles, and blogs.
Audio: Anyone can browse the training and resources available to develop their knowledge and skills.
Visual: Close up shot of a computer screen, a mouse moving around a website browsing training and resources.
Audio: Not only that, when we say we’re all about partnerships, we really mean it. People can either browse the training and resources or upload their own that they’ve created or have come across and would recommend.
Visual: Zooms out to show a person and a computer. Text above reads ‘Partnerships’. Screen changes to show someone uploading a resource, and then a thumbs up.
Audio: That’s why we need you.
Visual: Text reads ‘That’s why we need you’
Audio: Learning for Involvement relies on your contributions, so next time you find a blog, article, or video that’s been really useful, or you’re hosting an event or workshop on public involvement that you’d like people to attend, please take the time to share it on the website.
Visual: Phone site in the centre of the screen. The phone screen reads ‘your contributions’. Icons appear on the screen showing a blog, article, and video. From the sides there are scenes showing people hosting events. Phone screen changes to show ‘Share’ button being pressed
Audio: To find out more, please head to learningforinvolvement.org.uk and start collaborating today…
Visual: Text reads ‘learningforinvolvement.org.uk’
Audio: Music ends
Visual: National Institute for Health and Care Research logo
Latest uploads
Take a look at some of the latest training events and resources uploaded to Learning for Involvement.
Getting started: becoming involved
Effectively involving citizens and patients in the interprofessional education of healthcare students
Added on 31st January 2025 -
About research
Good practice standards for public engagement in data for research and statistics
Added on 29th January 2025 -
Patient and public involvement trauma informed guidance for organisations and healthcare professionals
Added on 17th January 2025 -
Involvement good practice
PPI workforce career recognition and training – addendum to report
Added on 16th January 2025