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  • Inclusive opportunities
  • Working with communities

Resource type:

  • Toolkit

Date added to Learning for Involvement:

  • 17th June 2021


This Toolkit aims to capture best practice and provide researchers with a framework on how to improve the participation of BAME groups in research. The Toolkit was developed by researchers with experience in this area, and involved a review of the existing literature as well as engagement and collaboration with members from both the research and BAME communities.
The suggestions, strategies, and tips in this document will help researchers avoid some of the pitfalls in this difficult area. These include avoiding oversimplification of the issue of ethnicity, e.g. by recognising heterogeneity in BAME groups, and the impact of other factors such as gender, educational status, and religion. The Toolkit should help researchers develop more relevant research questions, consider engagement of BAME groups in a more structured way, and provide tips on better participation and dissemination of research findings. The Toolkit should also be useful in the preparation of grant applications, and help researchers demonstrate that they have taken account of the relevance of BAME groups to the success of their proposed study.