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  • Impact and evaluation
  • Involvement good practice

Resource type:

  • Report


  • UK-CIC and the British Society for Immunology

Date added to Learning for Involvement:

  • 4th November 2021
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The report, from the UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (UK-CIC) and the British Society for Immunology, celebrates and showcases the positive impact of involving patients and the public in immunology research. The UK-CIC brought together laboratory-based scientists and clinicians with the experience and unique perspectives of patient and public contributors. The report shares our knowledge and learning from working with a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) panel and provides practical suggestions of how to bridge the gap between basic research and the lived experiences of patients and the public. We hope it acts as an inspiring guide on how to include more PPI in, not only immunology research, but all research in the future.