Frequently asked questions
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Here are some frequently asked questions about learning and development and public involvement in research.
Are the learning and development resources for anyone?
Yes, all resources are available for anyone although some may be aimed at different groups.
What is public involvement in research?
Public involvement in research is research being carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them. This includes, for example, working with research funders to prioritise research, offering advice as members of a project steering group, commenting on and developing research materials and undertaking interviews with research participants.
When using the term ‘public’ we include patients, potential patients, carers and people who use health and social care services as well as people from organisations that represent people who use services. Whilst all of us are actual, former or indeed potential users of health and social care services, there is an important distinction to be made between the perspectives of the public and the perspectives of people who have a professional role in health and social care services.
I have particular needs/requirements – will these be accommodated?
If you have particular needs, it is important that you inform the learning/development provider before attending the learning/development opportunity. The provider should offer reasonable adjustments.
I haven’t done any training for a long time. Does this matter?
No. You may find that you won’t be the only one who hasn’t done any learning/development for a while. If you have any concerns, contact the training provider in advance for reassurance on what to expect during the session.
I would like to get involved in research. Where can I go?
If you would like to get involved in research then please see the NIHR People in Research website. You can also see information on the NIHR website.
Who developed this website?
The Learning for Involvement website was developed by NIHR and continues to be overseen and managed by NIHR public partnerships staff.
Will I be paid for attending any learning opportunities?
This will depend on the training providers. It should be stated but please ask if unsure. If you are a member of the public and you are working on a research project or as part of a research team, it is important to speak with someone first before signing up to an opportunity. You should clarify whether they are able to cover any fees, your travel/expenses and they should also advise if you will be offered an honoraria for your time. This payment guidance may be useful.
Will I need to pay for any learning opportunities?
Each of the different learning opportunities will say if there is a cost. In addition to payment for attending a learning opportunity, you might also need to consider other costs, such as travel to a training venue or expenses.