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Date added to Learning for Involvement:
Research teams that engage patients as partners sometimes provide compensation or payment to these patient partners for their contributions. There does not seem to be many resources that identify and tackle barriers to compensating patient partners. Based on our experiences as people who live with chronic conditions and who are patient partners, and as researchers who engage patient partners, we have identified eight barriers to compensating patient partners. We discuss each of these barriers: lack of awareness about patient partnership, institutional inflexibility, policy guidance from funders, compensation not prioritized in research budgets, leadership hesitancy to create a new system, culture on research teams, preconceived beliefs about patient partners’ skills and abilities, and expectations placed on patient partners. We illustrate these with real-life scenarios and we offer some solutions. Last, we issue a call to action to the global community that engages patient partners in their research teams to share resources and identify actions to overcome these barriers. By doing so, we can begin to create an online resource repository and help patient partners and researchers focus on working together rather than wasting energy navigating a system that is not well adapted to engaging patient partners.